• Answer Emails with AI, ChatGPT in Customer Services

    Answer emails with SAAS First’s Reply with Milly function, which crafts compelling and professional responses in just 10 seconds. Efficient, multilingual, and tailored for brand consistency, it enhances your team’s productivity and customer support workflow.


    Reply Emails with AI


    Benefits of Answering Emails with AI 


    SAAS First combines efficiency, productivity, and advanced AI technology to provide a seamless communication experience across multiple channels. Whether it's maintaining a consistent brand voice or responding swiftly in various languages, our platform has got you covered! Boost your productivity and enhance customer experience with our cost-effective interface.


    1. Boost Your Efficiency and Productivity with AI Responses


    Using artificial intelligence, our service allows you to answer complex business emails in just 10 seconds. This technology saves you time and ensures that all incoming messages are responded to immediately and accurately.


    This also means that with our AI response feature, you can focus on more critical tasks while letting the system handle routine customer inquiries for you.

    2. Engage Across Multiple Channels while Maintaining a Consistent Brand Voice


    Our Omnichannel Inbox collects messages from various channels (including chat, email, WhatsApp, Facebook Pages, and text messages) into a single platform, making it easier to manage your communications effectively without missing out on any important conversations. 


    The customizable settings of "Reply with Milly" allow you to maintain a consistent brand voice across all your communications, regardless of the channel used and your team members' experience and knowledge.

    3. Improve Customer Experience with Quick Replies & Multilingual Support  


    We use advanced machine learning algorithms so our platform can provide quick and accurate responses based on the knowledge base. The more quickly your customers get accurate answers to their questions, the more satisfied they will be with your support. 


    Plus, whether it’s responding in English or any other language, our multilingual support feature ensures you can communicate with your customers regardless of your colleagues' language. You can instruct "Reply with Milly" in any language, and she can write your email in the customer's language.

    Watch in Action

    Watch a short video on how AI-driven customer support chatbot works on multiple plantforms.

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    Key Features of Reply with Milly


    The most important feature of the advanced AI response is that you can answer incoming messages with artificial intelligence regardless of the channel the messages are coming from. They can be from chat, WhatsApp, Facebook Pages, SMS or email. 


    Even if the AI Chatbot isn’t turned on, this feature can answer complex messages based on Milly's training.


    The Reply with Milly function can: 


    • Find all questions and queries that require a response,
    • Research the answer from the knowledge base to all questions and queries raised,
    • Combine the answers into one response,
    • Word the response based on your settings,
    • Add any additional information from your notes that you provide it with. 


    Alternatively, you can use the Reply with Milly function to respond to incoming messages just by entering a few quick notes:


    • Enter the notes you would answer to the customer. 
    • You can even enter these notes including misspellings and typos, or use very simple or even a different language.
    • Reply with Milly will transform your notes into a nicely worded message that aligns with your brand voice. 


    This is an especially helpful tool if you want to simplify and speed up response time or want non-native speakers to respond easily and professionally to incoming emails. 


    Unlike using a chatbot for answering messages, in this case, you retain full control at all times. You can decide whether or not to use the message crafted by AI or based on the preview. You can send it immediately or edit the reply and make any changes.


    Customization & Implementation


    You can fully customize the Reply with Milly function to match your support needs and brand identity. 


    AI will craft the messages based on your setup on:

    • The language of the message
    • The level of Formality, Empathy, Humor, Positivity, Technicality.
    • And response length. 


    Availability & Pricing


    Reply with Milly is available in our Advanced Business plan. One AI solution costs only $0.49. However, you only have to pay if you accept the message that Milly created and send it to your customers. 


    Check Our Pricing

    We work on delivering the best customer engagement platform at the best prices possible.

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    Internal & External Integrations


    The Reply with Milly function works from the AI Chatbot knowledge base to be able to answer common questions about your service. In addition, it also works from the notes you provide it with if you want something to be included in your answers. 

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