How to Edit the Leads in Your Pipeline
To edit the leads, simply click on the ticket of the lead once, and the information about the lead will open.
It's important to note that the information you add to the Lead is conceptual, meaning that in each stage, there are different field you can fill out and add to your Lead. In the Cold Leads stage, it is mandatory to fill out every field with information if you want to move the lead to a next stage. However, if you manually create a lead in a different stage, these fields are not mandatory.
General Information on Leads
You can edit the name of the Lead by clicking on the name at the top, or the Edit icon next to it.
At the right side of each opened lead, you can see the following information:
- Column: the stage the lead in currently in. You can change the column by selecting from the dropdown.
- Members: the person/people handling the lead. You can select the owner and contributors from the dropdown. All people who have access to the Sales Pipeline will be lsited here. You can also search for them by their names.
- Labels: any category or group the lead is currently in. You can add labels to your leads here by entering the new label's name.
- Last update: the last time an field within the given lead has been changed.
At the bottom on the opened lead, you always have the comments, and history.
- Comments: any comment the sales team makes about the specific lead.
- History: Any update that has happened to the lead from the creation up until now.
You have some additional options for the opened lead when you click on the three dots in the top right corner.
- Delete Lead: the lead will be permanently deleted from your Sales Pipeline.
- Copy Lead link: The link of the specific lead will be copied to your clipboard, so you can share it with your team members who have access to your Sales Pipeline. When they click on the link, this particular lead will open for them.
- Duplicate Lead: Another lead will be created automatically under the original one with the same information as it was created from.
- Edit fields: You can edit the fields mentioned below with this button.
You can add further details to the leads with the +Add field button. Here you have the option to include:
- Deadline: A specific date to which the lead is connected to.
- Contacts: A contact from the CRM connected to the lead.
- Conversations: Any conversations you may had in the Inbox with the specific lead.