How You Can Move To Dos To Other Boards
If you created a To Do, but decided that it would be better to have it on another Board of yours, you can move the To Do to the desired Board with just a couple of clicks.
- Open the To Do you want to move.
- Click on the three dots in the top right corner.
- Select the Move To Do to other board option.
- A popup will ask you to select the Board you want to move the To Do to. You can select from existing Boards within your workspace.
- Then, you must select the column within the desired Board you want the To Do to be moved to.
- Once ready. click on Move.
- The To Do will then be found in the other Board. Please note that if you move the To Do, the comments, history, members, labels, conversations, and contacts won't be moved. Be aware that this action cannot be undone once saved.