What are the Answers to Improve Messages by the AI Chatbot?
In your Inbox, you can see all the conversation that are handled by the AI chatbot with each of its answers to the questions. If you think the AI chatbot gave an answer to a question that needs to be improved, you can click on the thumbs-down icon next to the message.
By clicking on the thumbs-down icon, the question and answer pair will be sent to the Answers to Improve section on the Train Milly option.
Once you click on the answer given by the AI chatbot, the question will be asked again. Here, based on the answer, you have three options to choose from:
- Approve: You consider the answer to be correct and the AI chatbot knows the answer to this question.
- Try again: The question will be asked again, and the AI chatbot will try to find the answer again. Before you take this step, we recommend changing the Library (your Knowlegde Base articles) in order to include the information it needs for answering the question.
- Cancel: You are not satisfied with the answer the AI chatbot just gave. In this case, the question will remain in the Unanswered section list.
To improve the answers, we recommend editing the relevant Knowledge Base articles displayed on the right in a green frame. Include the necessary information in the articles and the question will automatically be asked again to see whether the Library has been updated correctly.
Alternatively, you can also add Custom Snippets to your Library if you don't want to display the information on your website or your Knowledge Base articles but want the AI chatbot to know the perfect answer to the question.
You have to give the Custom Snippet a name and content. Please note that the content of the Custom Snippet must be at least 600 characters long.