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Marketing Module Setup

Let's see the setup of the Marketing Module in SAAS First

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

Marketing Module Setup

Setup Option for the Marketing Module

You can find the Setup for the Marketing Module by clicking on the Marketing option on the left menu, then find the Setup option above the Create New Message section. 

As of right now, in the Setup, you can create different categories for each of your messages. These can be, for example, system messages, promotional messages, welcome messages, etc. These categories ensure that once you have a great number of marketing messages in your list, you can find any of them easily. 

If you want to create a new category, simply click on the +Add category button in the top right corner. 

Name the category, and click on the tick icon. 

You can edit your existing categories by clicking on the Edit icon, or you can remove them by clicking on the Delete icon on the right. 

Setting Up Incoming and Outgoing Emails

If you want to set up the incoming emails in SAAS First, please visit this page

Automated Email Verification

Please note that if you want to use SAAS First to send email marketing campaigns, the automated email verification function (Workspace settings) must always be active. 

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