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How to Customize Your Chat

Let's see how you can customize your chat for your website

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

How to Customize Your Chat

How to find the Chat Customization/Chat Style option

If you want to customize your chat style, go to your Inbox, find the Settings button on the left menu, and then choose the Chat style option. 

General Settings

Here, you will first find the settings for how you want your chat to look like. In the General settings, you can set up: 

  • the color of your chat,
  • your header logo,
  • and the message sound you will hear when there's an incoming message in your Inbox.

Then, you have the option to customize your chat's Header. Set up: 

  • The Visitor title is the largest text at the top of the chat when you don't know any information about who is trying to contact you via the chat.
  • The Contact title is the largest text at the top of the chat when an already-known customer is trying to contact you via the chat.
  • The Description: Under the header text, you can add additional info or a question. 

Then, you can set up the Launcher. You can choose:

  • the position of the chat (left or right)
  • spacing (in px)
  • and the icon for the chat button. 

Once you are ready with everything, click on Save settings. 

Elements in the Chat

You can add 3 types of elements to your chat:

  1. Important information
  2. Help Center
  3. Recommended articles

Important information

The important information is a message you want to stand out when a customer opens the chat. 

For the important information, you have to add: 

  1. a title, 
  2. a description 
  3. action button (optional)
  4. button text
  5. and button URL. 

Once you are done with adding everything, click on Save settings. 

Help Center

You can add your SAAS First Help Center to your chat as well, where your customers will be able to search for articles right from the chat. Here, there will be a search bar, plus, you can also add 3 additional Help Center articles that are the most frequently visited. 

Recommended articles

The Recommended articles element is a very useful feature in SAAS First's chat. Here, you can display specific articles for your visitors and customers based on the particular trigger points they touch. 

You can set up the maximum number of articles you want displayed in your chat, and the rules by which the articles will be displayed by clicking on the Rule block under rules. 

On the left, you will have to select whether you want to display the article to registered users or simple visitors of your business. 

Then, enter the URL you want to add as a trigger for the article to be displayed by. 

On the right. you can select which Help Center article you want to be displayed for the specific triggers. You can select:

  • a whole category,
  •  a whole section from a category,
  • or a specific Help Center article as well. 

Once ready with the rules, click on Save changes, then, click on Save settings on the right. 

Moving the Elements

You can move each element you choose to include in your live chat by clicking on the arrows

pointing up and down, and you can delete the elements by clicking on the Delete icon as well. 

Start Conversation Button 

If you click on the Start conversation button within the chat preview you see in the middle, a Settings menu will open on the right. 

Here, you have several options to set up when a conversation starts. 

  • Email address required: Here, you can decide whether you want to activate the live chat to require the email address of the person who wants to contact you. If yes, the first thing they will have to to is enter their email address for starting to send a chat message to you. 
  • Email request message: If you choose to activate the Email address required feature, you can enter the message that will be displayed for your customers when they open the chat for the first time and want to contact you. 
  • Floating button: This enables the Start conversation button to always be displayed in the live chat window at the bottom, even if we scroll within the window. 
  • Enable emoji: If you enable emojis, people can send you messages with emojis in them, and you can also send messages to them containing emojis. 
  • Conversation type selector: If the Conversation type selector is activated, it means that everyone who contacts you will first see a panel with a selector with two options: 
    • Ask a Question Now: The conversation will then be directed to the AI chatbot, which will try to answer the question of the person contacting through the live chat. 
    • Report an Issue: The conversation will then be directed to the live chat and will be in the open section of the inbox so people can directly report any errors they may experience. 
    • This reduces the chances of any frustration if the customer is experiencing an issue and has a unique problem that the AI chatbot cannot handle on its own. 

Once you are ready with the changes in the Chat Start conversation section, click on Save settings. 

If you click on Reset settings, any changes you have made will disappear, and the default settings will be activated for the Start conversation section. 

When you want to go back to the General Settings of the Live Chat, click on "Close selection" in the middle where the Start conversation button is located. 

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