Creating columns

How to add new columns to your board

Daniel Pinter Written by Daniel Pinter I

How to add new columns to your board

You can create as many columns as you need if you have multiple projects within a board or if you would want to specify the status of a ticket such as Ideas, High Priority, or anything that you find relevant to keep your board organized and meet project needs.

To create a column on your ticket board, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the board you would like to edit.
  2. Click the cogwheel ⚙️ on the upper right corner to open the Board settings.
  3. You can add a new column between any columns or at the ends as well
  4. To do that hover your cursor between or next to a column  
  5. In the popup, name your column and you can pick a custom color for it as well
  6. Once you are happy with the new name, click Save Changes to finalize it. 

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