Knowledge Base


Mastering the AI Chatbot

Learn the more advanced features of your AI Chatbot.

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

Mastering the AI Chatbot

Welcome to the AI Chatbot Mastering Guide

This article will help you train, refine, and optimize your AI chatbot to handle customer conversations effectively. You will learn how to add Knowledge Base articles, refine chatbot answers, add custom snippets, and install the chatbot on your website.

Training Your AI Chatbot with Knowledge Base Articles

The best way to train your AI chatbot is by providing it with comprehensive Knowledge Base articles:

  1. Activate the Knowledge Base:

  2. Create Articles:

    • If you don’t have articles yet, go to the Knowledge Base module and start writing the content you want the chatbot to learn about your business.
  3. Add Articles to Milly’s Library:

    • Once your articles are ready, add them to Milly’s Library at the bottom of the article page.

    Now, Milly is equipped with the knowledge and can answer questions about your content!

Refining Chatbot Answers

Improve the accuracy of the chatbot’s responses by refining its answers:

  1. Ask Questions:

  2. Edit Source if Needed:

    • If the answer needs improvement, check the source on the right where the AI chatbot got the information from.
    • Click on Edit and adjust the articles to ensure the chatbot provides the correct answer.
  3. Save Changes:

    • Once you click on Save, the question will automatically be asked again, and the AI chatbot will respond based on the updated information.

Adding Custom Snippets

If you have specific information that you don’t want to include in a Knowledge Base article but want the AI chatbot to learn, add custom snippets:

  1. Access the Library:

    • Go to the Library.
  2. Add Snippet:

    • Click on Add snippet.
    • Give it a title and write the content.
    • Click on Save.

Installing the Chat on Your Website

Enable the AI chatbot to handle customer conversations by installing the chat on your website:

  1. Find the Installation Guide:

    • In your Setup, go to Settings and find the Installation Guide.
  2. Insert the Code:

    • Copy and paste the code before the closing </body> tag on every page to load SAAS First’s chat.
  3. Verify Installation:

    • Check your website to see how the live chat works.


Activating the AI Chatbot

Turn on Milly to let the AI chatbot manage customer conversations:

  1. Activate Milly:
    • Go to the Setup Milly section.
    • Set the toggle to active on the Activate Milly option.

Now, Milly will handle incoming chat messages on your website!

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