Write a new article
Double-click on the category name in the Knowledge Base to start composing your article. Within a category, articles are organized into sections. Click "Add article" next to the desired section to create a new article. An editor will open, allowing you to write your article. Each article must have a title, description, content, and an editor. Once you're done editing, click "Save changes" to save your work.
If you want to edit an already existing article, click on the title, and then the Edit button on the bottom right.
Avoid writing too short articles; aim for a minimum of 100 words to ensure they provide sufficient information and value to your readers.
Edit or delete an existing article
Double-click the title to edit a previously saved article to open the editor with the existing content. After making your desired changes, click "Save changes" to update the article.
To delete an article, click on its name; on the right side, click 'Delete Article.'
Organize your articles
You can easily rearrange articles within a section by clicking and dragging their titles to the desired position. To move an article between sections, click on its title. Alternatively, you can change the parent category and parent section on the right side of the interface to place the article in the desired location.
The parent category and parent section refer to the category and section where the article is listed.
Format your article
When composing or editing an article, you'll have access to a user-friendly WYSIWYG editor that offers various formatting options, including bold, italic, and underline, as well as numbered and bulleted lists. You can also format text as H2, H3, or body and insert images, videos, or links within the article.
Edit article settings
In the editor's bottom section and within the article settings on the right (by clicking on the article name), you'll find two toggles:
Visibility: When enabled, the article will be visible in the Knowledge Base if the article's parent category is also visible.
Add to Milly: If the Knowledge Base is activated in the Setup Milly section, all articles with this toggle enabled will be used to train Milly.
This allows you to display an article in the Knowledge Base while excluding it from Milly's training.