Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base Style

How to edit the look and feel of your SAAS First's Knowledge Base?

Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo
Back to articles Tamas Ham-Szabo image Written by Tamas Ham-Szabo

Knowledge Base Style

You can find the Knowledge Base Style under categories in the Knowledge Base menu. 

In Style Settings, you can customize the appearance of your Knowledge Base using various options. You can:

  • Choose the Primary Color from a color palette or enter a color code
  • Upload a logo for your Knowledge Base
  • Upload a Favicon
  • Set the Header Background
  • Enter the Main title
  • Provide a Description
  • Insert a Link to your homepage
  • Add Footer text

All fields are mandatory, and you'll see a real-time preview of your Knowledge Base. Once you're satisfied with the changes, click on "Save Changes."

Once you are ready with everything, you can visit your Knowledge Base website to see how it looks live by clicking on the "Visit website" button. 

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