
How to Connect Text Messages (SMS) by Twilio to SAAS First

Get to know how you can connect Text Messages (SMS) by Twilio to SAAS First's Inbox

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

How to Connect Text Messages (SMS) by Twilio to SAAS First

How to connect Text Messages (SMS) by Twilio 

To connect Twilio WhatsApp to SAAS First's Inbox, you have to add some additional information about your Twilio account. Please check our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for further information on this. 

  • On the Console Page of Twilio, find your "Account SID", "Auth Token", and "My Twilio phone number" details
  • Copy and Paste these pieces of information into SAAS First's given fields 
  • Then. click on "Save"

How to set up SMS by Twilio 

To receive messages, you have to create a Message Service. 

  • In the Twilio Console, find "Services" under "Messaging". 
  • Then, click on "Create Messaging Service".
  • Name it and select what you want to use Messaging for, then go to Step 2. 
  • Here, setting up a Sender is not necessary for SMS, so you can go to Step 3. 
  • Here, under "Incoming Messages", select "Send a webhook" then paste your own "Request URL" to both input fields. The Request URL can be at the top of SAAS First's Twilio SMS Integration page. Please be sure that both of the fields are set to "HTTP Post". 
  • Under "Delivery Status Callback", insert the same URL. After that, you can go to Step 4. 
  • If you live in the USA, please read the "What is A2P 10DLC?"
  • Click on "Complete Messaging Service Setup"

To send messages in different countries, Twilio requires you to enable them, to avoid any unwanted charges. 

  • In the Twilio Console, under "Messaging", find "Settings", and go to "Geo permissions". 
  • Select all the countries you will want to send SMS to. 
  • After this, click on "Save geo permissions". 


Currently, only user-initiated conversations are available in the integration. 

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