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How to Connect Telegram to SAAS First

Ge to know how you can connect Telegram to SAAS First's inbox

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

How to Connect Telegram to SAAS First

How Do I Connect Telegram to SAAS First? 

To connect Telegram to SAAS First's Inbox, you have to add a Telegram Bot's ApiToken. You can create one at the Setup. (see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

As for the setup, you have to search for "BotFather" in Telegram. Be sure to choose the verified one! 

Type in /start

The required setting for the Bot is /newbot

Then, name the bot.

Choose a username, but as it says, please be sure that it ends with "bot". 

If this step is done and successful, copy the token after "Use this token to access the HTTP API." and insert it into SAAS First's given field. 

Then, type in /setprivacy and set it to Disable.  

The recommended settings for the Bot can be done by typing in /setdescription

Then type in /setuserpic

After that, /setabouttext.

If the bot is done and the token is saved, you can add your bot to as many Telegram chat groups as you want and you are ready to go! 


SAAS First handles multiple Telegram Chat Groups

Also handles DM messages to the bot

Currently, only User Initiated conversations are available (chat groups and DM messages can only be active in SAAS First if someone sent a message)

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