
Event Types

Edit your event types and add new ones

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

Event Types

What Can You See in the Event Types Settings

To go to the Event Types settings, choose the Settings option in the Customers Module, and select the Event Types option on the left menu. 

Here, you'll see all your set-up events on the list. 

You can search for the events in your list by using the Filter button. 

You can search by: 

  • ID. 
  • Label.
  • Name.
  • and TTL in days. 

You also have the option to add a new event type to the list by clicking on the +Add new event type button in the top right corner. 

Edit Event Type

You can edit the event type by clicking on the specific event you want to edit on the list. A popup will show you the details of the event. Here, you can adjust any details you want: 

  • the label 
  • name, 
  • description, 
  • TTL in days,
  • data name,
  • data type, 
  • title, 
  • and description of the event. 

Once you're done with editing, click on Save. 

Add New Event Type

You can add a new event type to your list by clicking on the +Add new event type button in the top right corner of the Event type settings. 

A popup will ask you to enter the details of the new event type. 

  • Label: the displayed name of the event in the list,
  • Name: the name should be the specific denomination of the event you want to send
  • Description: the explanation of the event in your own words
  • TTL in days: the number of days you want us to store the event data for. After the given day, the event will be deleted from the database. 
  • JSON Shema: this will be the schema that displays the data that the customers will send to the event. This shows you the specific, fixed structure in which you can send the events. 

On the right, you can basically build this JSON schema in the editor: 

  • The data name is root. 
  • The data type can be set to: 
  • string: text type
  • number: does not need to be a whole number
  • integer: must be a whole number
  • object: key-value pair
  • boolean: true/ false
  • array: several data on one single level. 

You can add more child nodes by clicking on the + sign on the right. 

Plus, you can also select a color for the event type you created. 

Once you are finished, click on Save. 

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