How You Can Move To Dos Within Columns
If you want to prioritize or order your To Dos in a specific sequence within a column, you can easily do that within SAAS First's Board.
All you have to to is drag and drop the specific To Do in the right place within the column exactly where you want it to be. You can move the To Do up or down within the column.
For easier management of the orders, you also have the option to move the To Do to the bottom or top of the column. Once you drag your To Do and start moving it, there will be 2 buttons displayed in the column:
- Move to Top: If you drop your To Do to the Move to Top button, your To Do will be at the top of the column.
- Move to Bottom: If you drop your To Do to the Move to Bottom button, your To Do will be at the bottom of the column.
How You Can Move To Dos Between Columns
You can easily move the To Do between columns as well. All you have to do is drag and drop the To Do you want to move to the desired column and the desired place within the column. You can move the To Do to the right or left between columns and up and down within the columns.