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End of Life Column

What does the end if life column mean and how to set it up?

Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér
Back to articles Csilla Fehér image Written by Csilla Fehér

End of Life Column

What Does the End of Life Column Mean? 

The End of Life column is the last column within your workflow. All completed To Do are collected here as their final stop. 

How to Set Up the End of Life Column? 

To set up the End of life column for a new or an already existing column in your Board, first, you need to go the Board settings by clicking on the Settings icon in the top right corner of the Board. 

Here, you will see all your columns. You can create a new one or choose an already existing one and click on the three dots next to its name to open its settings. 

Here, you will see the toggle for turning on the End of life column option. 

Once you activate the option, you can also set up the To Do Visibility. Here, you can determine how long the To Dos should be visible in the column. You can enter the time frame in days. Once the days expire for a To Do, it will be hidden from a Board, but will not be deleted. You can always search for a To Do, even if it is not visible according to this setting. 

When you're ready with the setup, click on Save. 

The End of life column will be displayed with an infinity icon next to its name in your Board. 

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