A customer can be added or updated by making a POST request with the following details:
- Url: https://api.saasfirst.com/api/customers/upsert
- JSON body:
- email (required): Email address of your customer, this will be used to idenfity if the customer already exists and a update has to be issued or if the customer doesn't exists yet so an insert has to be issued
- business (optional): Similiarly to email address, it acts as a special identifier. If a customer was found with a matching email address, but different business value a new customer will be created instead of updating.
Regarding any other variables:
Accepted types: string, boolean, datetime, unix timestamp, integer, float
To be able to parse unix timestamp as a time format the variable must have _at or _timestamp suffix
The accepted datetime format is YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
For further information please refer to the following article: https://saasfirst.com/help/inbox/add-customer-parameters-to-the-chat